What NOT to say to someone with an eating disorder
This week is national eating disorder awareness week. I want to blog about things this week to help spread education and awareness....

EMDR Therapy is for more than PTSD
Over the past year, I have become trained in using EMDR (Eye Movement De-sensitization Reprocessing) therapy in my practice. This is a...

What we eat means so much more than what we think
I am often asked how in the world I am interested in both health/fitness of the body and mental health. Well, truth be told it isn't just...

The Body Remembers
Have you ever been in a situation where someone says something to you, something that is harmless in theory, but you find yourself...

A quick fix?
So often in life we are looking for a quick fix. We want to lose weight but we want to do it quickly -we don't want it to take 6 months...

What is EMDR?
You may have heard about EMDR lately - but WHAT is it??? EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing. According to EMDRIA,...

Addicted to Sugar?
You have probably heard it before -- "I'm addicted to sugar!". However, most people use this term loosely, half joking. The truth is --...

Anxiety - when to worry
Sweating, heart racing, stomach in knots, numbness or tingling sensations, tight chest, choking sensations. Everyone has experienced some...

Exercise and Depression
Maybe you struggle with increased in depression in the winter time when it starts to get darker earlier in the day -- this is SO common!...

Benefits of Psychotherapy
Some people think that going to see a therapist makes them weak or "crazy". This can't be further from the truth. Mental health treatment...